Conference Papers Year : 2008

ExpLSA: An Approach Based on Syntactic Knowledge in Order to Improve LSA for a Conceptual Classification Task


Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) is nowadays used in various thematic like cognitive models, educational applications but also in classification. We propose in this paper to study different methods of proximity of terms based on LSA. We improve this semantic analysis with additional semantic information using Tree-tagger or a syntactic analysis to expand the studied corpus. We finally apply LSA on the new expanded corpus.
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lirmm-00335879 , version 1 (30-10-2008)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-00335879 , version 1


Nicolas Béchet, Jacques Chauché, Mathieu Roche. ExpLSA: An Approach Based on Syntactic Knowledge in Order to Improve LSA for a Conceptual Classification Task. CICLing: Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, Feb 2008, Haifa, Israel. pp.213-224. ⟨lirmm-00335879⟩
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