Conference Papers Year : 2011

Path Tracking: Combined Path Following and Trajectory Tracking for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles


This paper proposes a novel control strategy for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), named as path tracking, which combines the conventional path following and trajectory tracking control in order to achieve smooth spatial convergence and tight temporal performance as well. This idea is inspired by the previous work of Hindman [1] and Encarnacao [2], however, the path tracking design herein goes from path following to trajectory tracking, which indeed is an inverse way from the previous solutions so that the complex projection algorithm resulting in a local stability is avoided. A kinematics controller is first derived by using Lyapunov direct method where a virtual path parameter is introduced to bring an extra control degree of freedom, and then it is extended to the dynamics of AUVs based on backstepping technique. The resulting nonlinear control design is formally shown and it yields global asymptotic convergence of the AUV to the path. Finally, simulation results illustrate the efficiency of the path tracking control design for AUVs.
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Dates and versions

lirmm-00629343 , version 1 (05-10-2011)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-00629343 , version 1


Xianbo Xiang, Lionel Lapierre, Chao Liu, Bruno Jouvencel. Path Tracking: Combined Path Following and Trajectory Tracking for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. IROS: Intelligent Robots and Systems, Sep 2011, San Francisco, United States. pp.3558-3563. ⟨lirmm-00629343⟩
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