Conference Papers Year : 2011

A pseudo-isotropic three phalanxes under-actuated finger


A good gripper can adapt itself on any grasped object and ensure contact pressure as homogenous as possible. A gripper that provides a uniform contact pressure is said to be isotropic. Another feature of a gripper is its dexterity, which can be improved by under-actuation. This paper presents the design of a three-phalanx pseudo-isotropic under-actuated finger with anthropomorphic dimensions. Contact forces depend on the gripper folding angles and the transmission torque ratio between unactuated joints. In order to ensure a grasping as isotropic as possible two cams were used. The isotropy is checked up by recalculation of the contact forces.


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lirmm-00643542 , version 1 (22-11-2011)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-00643542 , version 1


Ghassan Dandash, Rani Rizk, Sébastien Krut, Etienne Dombre. A pseudo-isotropic three phalanxes under-actuated finger. IFToMM'2011: 13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Jun 2011, Guanajuato, Mexico. pp.1-8. ⟨lirmm-00643542⟩
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