Conference Papers Year : 2012

Evaluating Parameter Sweep Workflows in High Performance Computing


Scientific experiments based on computer simulations can be defined, executed and monitored using Scientific Workflow Management Systems (SWfMS). Several SWfMS are available, each with a different goal and a different engine. Due to the exploratory analysis, scientists need to run parameter sweep (PS) workflows, which are workflows that are invoked repeatedly using different input data. These workflows generate a large amount of tasks that are submitted to High Performance Computing (HPC) environments. Different execution models for a workflow may have significant differences in performance in HPC. However, selecting the best execution model for a given workflow is difficult due to the existence of many characteristics of the workflow that may affect the parallel execution. We developed a study to show performance impacts of using different execution models in running PS workflows in HPC. Our study contributes by presenting a characterization of PS workflow patterns (the basis for many existing scientific workflows) and its behavior under different execution models in HPC. We evaluated four execution models to run workflows in parallel. Our study measures the performance behavior of small, large and complex workflows among the evaluated execution models. The results can be used as a guideline to select the best model for a given scientific workflow execution in HPC. Our evaluation may also serve as a basis for workflow designers to analyze the expected behavior of an HPC workflow engine based on the characteristics of PS workflows.
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lirmm-00749968 , version 1 (08-11-2012)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-00749968 , version 1


Fernando Chirigati, Vitor Silva, Eduardo Ogasawara, Jonas Dias, Fabio Porto, et al.. Evaluating Parameter Sweep Workflows in High Performance Computing. SWEET'12: 1st International Workshop on Scalable Workflow Enactment Engines and Technologies, May 2012, Scottsdale, Arizona, United States. pp.10. ⟨lirmm-00749968⟩
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