Journal Articles Journal of Software Engineering and Applications Year : 2010

An Efficient PRBG Based on Chaotic Map and Engel Continued Fractions


In recent years, a variety of chaos-based cryptosystems have been proposed. Some of these systems are used in designing a pseudo random bit generator (PRBG) for stream cipher applications. Most of the chaotic systems used in cryptography have good chaotic properties like ergodicity, sensitivity to initial values and sensitivity to control parameters. However, some of them are not very suitable for use in cryptography because of their non-uniform density function, and their relatively small key space. To be used in cryptography, a PRBG may need to meet stronger requirements than for other applications. In particular, various statistical tests can be applied to the outputs of such generators to conclude whether the generator produces a truly random sequence or not. In this paper, we propose a PRBG based on the use of the standard chaotic map with large key space and the Engle Continued Fractions (ECF) map. The outputs of the standard map are used as the inputs of ECF-map. The chaotic nature of the standard map and the good statistical properties of the ECF map motivate us to design a new PRBG for stream cipher applications. The numerical simulation analysis indicates that our PRBG produces bit sequences possessing excellent statistical and cryptographic properties.
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lirmm-00818403 , version 1 (26-04-2013)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-00818403 , version 1


Atef Masmoudi, William Puech, Mohamed Selim Bouhlel. An Efficient PRBG Based on Chaotic Map and Engel Continued Fractions. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2010, 3 (12), pp.141-147. ⟨lirmm-00818403⟩
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