Test and diagnosis of power switches
Power-gating techniques have been adopted so far to reduce the static power consumption of an Integrated Circuit (IC). Power gating is usually implemented by means of several power switches. Manufacturing defects affecting power switches can lead to increase the actual static power consumption and, in the worst case they can completely isolate a functional block of the IC. In this paper we present a novel Design for Test & Diagnosis to increase the test quality and diagnosis accuracy of power switches. The proposed approach has been validated through SPICE simulations on ITC'99 benchmark circuits.
Power demand
Design for Test & Diagnosis
integrated circuit testing
design for testability
Discharges (electric)
Integrated circuits
Power integrated circuits
Power semiconductor switches
ITC 99 benchmark circuit
test quality
Circuit faults
power switches
static power consumption
SPICE simulation
diagnosis accuracy
manufacturing defect
power gating technique
Power Switch
Power Management