Conference Papers Year : 2017

Longitudinal feasibility study of a SCI subject one-year training based on sublesional muscles FES assisted cycling


Subjects with spinal cord injuries (SCI) early suffer from immobility and sedentarity effects, such as bone demineralization, an increased risk of developing cardio-vascular diseases as well as cutaneous complications like pressure sores. Despite a well established benefit of regular exercise 1 not only on physical health but also on mood, anxiety and social isolation, to suggest a physical activity adapted to SCI daily life efforts is however far from simple. Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) of sublesional muscles aims to increase oxygen demand therefore contributing to improve cardiovascular and respiratory physiology 2. Applied through a leisure activiy such as cycling could also significantly increase wellness and life quality. In this study we propose an original longitudinal follow-up of physical and psychological variables during a one-year training, with the ultimate goal of participating to an international FES-cycling competition.


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lirmm-01547869 , version 1 (19-09-2017)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-01547869 , version 1


Benoît Sijobert, Anne Daubigney, Emerson Fachin-Martins, Christine Azevedo Coste, Charles Fattal. Longitudinal feasibility study of a SCI subject one-year training based on sublesional muscles FES assisted cycling. IFESS: International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society, Jul 2017, Londres, United Kingdom. ⟨lirmm-01547869⟩
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