Conference Papers Year : 2019

FlexNode: a reconfigurable Internet of Things node for design evaluation

Guillaume Patrigeon
Paul Leloup
  • Function : Author
  • PersonId : 744502
  • IdHAL : paul-leloup
Pascal Benoit
Lionel Torres


Accurate evaluation of Ultra Low Power Systems on Chip (ULP SoC) is a huge challenge for designers and developers. In embedded applications, especially for Internet of Things end-node devices, ULP SoCs have to interact with their environment, but modelling a complete SoC and the peripheral components, their interaction and low-power policies, can be very complex in terms of developments and benchmarking. In order to cope with this challenge, an approach is to implement the desired system on FPGA with a monitoring infrastructure dedicated to fast and accurate evaluation. This paper presents a reconfigurable prototyping platform used for SoC architecture exploration and real-time application evaluation.
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lirmm-02079509 , version 1 (26-03-2019)



Guillaume Patrigeon, Paul Leloup, Pascal Benoit, Lionel Torres. FlexNode: a reconfigurable Internet of Things node for design evaluation. SAS 2019 - IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, Mar 2019, Sophia Antipolis, France. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/SAS.2019.8706095⟩. ⟨lirmm-02079509⟩
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