Conference Papers Year : 2023

MCTHSL: 4×4-Device-Matrix-Based Cost-Optimized TNU-Recovery HIS-Insensitive and SET-Filterable Latch for Aerospace Applications

Aibin Yan
Jie Cui
Zhengfeng Huang
Tianming Ni
Xiaoqing Wen


This paper proposes a novel 4×4-device-Matrixbased Cost-optimized Triple-node-upset (TNU)-recovery Highimpedance-state (HIS)-insensitive and Single-event-transient (SET)-filterable Latch, namely MCTHSL, designed for aerospace applications. The MCTHSL latch comprises a 4×4-device matrix to completely provide TNU recovery and thus it is HIS-insensitive. The input of a Schmitt Trigger (ST) is split to create an input-split ST, namely ISST, to simultaneously provide the functions of a Celement (CE), a SET-filtering device and a delay element. The matrix comprises 15 mutually interlocking 2-input CEs as well as an ISST to store values, recover from TNUs and filter SETs with HISinsensitivity and cost-optimization. Simulation results demonstrate the above-mentioned features as well as cost reduction (in comparison with state-of-the-art TNU-recovery latches) of the proposed MCTHSL latch.
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lirmm-04240386 , version 1 (13-10-2023)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-04240386 , version 1


Aibin Yan, Zhuoyuan Lin, Jie Cui, Zhengfeng Huang, Tianming Ni, et al.. MCTHSL: 4×4-Device-Matrix-Based Cost-Optimized TNU-Recovery HIS-Insensitive and SET-Filterable Latch for Aerospace Applications. DAC 2023 - ACM/EDAA Design Automation Conference, Jul 2023, San Francisco, United States. ⟨lirmm-04240386⟩
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