Journal Articles ACM Transactions on Database Systems Year : 2024

Tight Fine-Grained Bounds for Direct Access on Join Queries


We consider the task of lexicographic direct access to query answers. That is, we want to simulate an array containing the answers of a join query sorted in a lexicographic order chosen by the user. A recent dichotomy showed for which queries and orders this task can be done in polylogarithmic access time after quasilinear preprocessing, but this dichotomy does not tell us how much time is required in the cases classified as hard. We determine the preprocessing time needed to achieve polylogarithmic access time for all join queries and all lexicographical orders. To this end, we propose a decomposition-based general algorithm for direct access on join queries. We then explore its optimality by proving lower bounds for the preprocessing time based on the hardness of a certain online Set-Disjointness problem, which shows that our algorithm's bounds are tight for all lexicographic orders on join queries. Then, we prove the hardness of Set-Disjointness based on the Zero-Clique Conjecture which is an established conjecture from fine-grained complexity theory. Interestingly, while proving our lower bound, we show that self-joins do not affect the complexity of direct access (up to logarithmic factors). Our algorithm can also be used to solve queries with projections and relaxed order requirements, though in these cases, its running time is not necessarily optimal. We also show that similar techniques to those used in our lower bounds can be used to prove that, for enumerating answers to Loomis-Whitney joins, it is not possible to significantly improve upon trivially computing all answers at preprocessing. This, in turn, gives further evidence (based on the Zero-Clique Conjecture) to the enumeration hardness of self-join-free cyclic joins with respect to linear preprocessing and constant delay.
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lirmm-04834303 , version 1 (12-12-2024)




Karl Bringmann, Nofar Carmeli, Stefan Mengel. Tight Fine-Grained Bounds for Direct Access on Join Queries. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 2024, ⟨10.1145/3707448⟩. ⟨lirmm-04834303⟩
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