Patents Year : 2006

Device for Distributing Power between Cathodes of a Multipolar Electrode, in Particular of an Implant


A device (ES) for distributing power between n cathodes (Ki) of at least one multipolar stimulating electrode (EM) comprises at least one anode (A), wherein n is equal to or greater than two. Said device (ES) comprises a reconfigurable current mirror (MC) which is provided with n outputs (K'i) connectable to said n cathodes (Ki), respectively and supplies to the n (K'i) outputs n complementary fractions of a control current having respective selected values which are substantially constant at the control current amplitude variation in order to carry out a substentially constant spatial location of stimulation.
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Dates and versions

lirmm-00389558 , version 1 (28-05-2009)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-00389558 , version 1


David Guiraud, David Andreu, Jérôme Galy, Guy Cathébras, Serge Bernard, et al.. Device for Distributing Power between Cathodes of a Multipolar Electrode, in Particular of an Implant. France, Patent n° : WO2006027473 A1. 2006, pp.1-70. ⟨lirmm-00389558⟩
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