Book Sections Year : 2012

From Sentence to Concept


The compositional functional logical models of natural language are recast as compact closed categories. Composition is based on the geometrical representation of information flow characteristic for these categories. The functional logical interpretation of (strings of) words is carried over to projectors in a finite tensor product of 2-dimensional spaces such that the truth of a sentence is equivalent to the truth of the corresponding projector. Examples include sentences with compound noun phrases involving quantifiers, adjectives and negation.
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lirmm-00635866 , version 1 (26-10-2011)
lirmm-00635866 , version 2 (22-09-2012)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-00635866 , version 2


Anne Preller. From Sentence to Concept. E. Grefenstette, C. Heunen, and M. Sadrzadeh. Categorical Information Flow in Physics and Linguistics, Oxford University Press, pp.247--271, 2012. ⟨lirmm-00635866v2⟩
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