Conference Papers Year : 2017

Towards unified dataset for Modeling and Monitoring of Computer Assisted Medical Interventions


M2CAMI is a working group dedicated to Modeling and Monitoring of Computer Assisted Medical Interventions within the CAMI Labex. It aims at unifying data acquired from different surgical trainers and procedures for collaborative research. In this paper , we propose a generic structure for multi-modal dataset that allows faster development and easier processing. With such formalization, our objective is to go beyond the state of the art by sharing various types of data between international institutions and merge methodological approaches for better detection and understanding of surgical workflows.
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lirmm-02105827 , version 1 (21-04-2019)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-02105827 , version 1


Fabien Despinoy, Sandrine Voros, Nabil Zemiti, Nicolas Padoy, Pierre Jannin. Towards unified dataset for Modeling and Monitoring of Computer Assisted Medical Interventions. SURGETICA, Nov 2017, Strasbourg, France. ⟨lirmm-02105827⟩
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