Journal Articles Control Engineering Practice Year : 2024

STA-based design of an adaptive disturbance observer for autonomous underwater vehicles: From concept to real-time validation


In this paper, we propose to improve the robustness of the well-known PD controller through an adaptable disturbance observer. The proposed disturbance observer is based on the Super-Twisting Algorithm, and is designed with adaptive gains. The stability analysis of the resulting closed-loop controller/observer is achieved using Lyapunov arguments. Real-time experiments in different operating conditions are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed methodology, compared to the nominal PD control.
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lirmm-04364453 , version 1 (27-12-2023)



Jesus Guerrero, Ahmed Chemori, Jorge Torres, Vincent Creuze. STA-based design of an adaptive disturbance observer for autonomous underwater vehicles: From concept to real-time validation. Control Engineering Practice, 2024, 144, pp.105831. ⟨10.1016/j.conengprac.2023.105831⟩. ⟨lirmm-04364453⟩
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