Journal Articles Ocean Engineering Year : 2024

A novel intelligent RISE feedback control of autonomous tethered underwater vehicles: Design & real-time experiments


This paper deals with the tracking control problem of small autonomous tethered underwater vehicles. It proposes a new extended robust integral of the sign of the error (RISE) feedback control. The proposed RISE-based extension benefits from a fuzzy inference system to automatically and online tune the parameters of the RISE controller. The resulting intelligent control scheme is named Fuzzy RISE (FRISE) feedback control. Several real-time experimental scenarios, in different operating conditions, were conducted on Leonard underwater vehicle to demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of the proposed control scheme. It was also compared with some existing controllers from the literature to show its performances.
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lirmm-04507735 , version 1 (17-03-2024)



Raissa Benazouz, Ahmed Chemori, Vincent Creuze. A novel intelligent RISE feedback control of autonomous tethered underwater vehicles: Design & real-time experiments. Ocean Engineering, 2024, 300, pp.117470. ⟨10.1016/j.oceaneng.2024.117470⟩. ⟨lirmm-04507735⟩
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