Conference Papers Year : 2013

Low-noise and Low-power Front-end for True-tripolar ENG Amplifier


Electroneurogram acquisition systems are usually based on tripolar cuff electrodes that are known to decrease noise from external sources, such as muscular fibers (EMG) or stimulation artifacts. This paper presents a preamplifier associated with this kind of electrode in a true-tripole configuration. It is designed at the transistor level to lower the number of transistors while still rejecting parasitical signals. This integration at the transistor level reduces the size, power consumption and noise of the preamplifier compared to classical true-tripolar structures.
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lirmm-00839180 , version 1 (21-11-2016)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-00839180 , version 1


Mariam Abdallah, Fabien Soulier, Serge Bernard, Lionel Gouyet, Guy Cathébras. Low-noise and Low-power Front-end for True-tripolar ENG Amplifier. IFESS: International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society, Jun 2013, San Sebastian, Spain. pp.217-219. ⟨lirmm-00839180⟩
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